Monday 6 October 2014

 L.8 The Expansion Of The Mughal Power.
                                Question Bank
  1.      I.            Fill in the blanks:

1.  Jahangir’s wife,……………. played an important role in the administration.
2.  The Ahoms united under the leadership of…………………..
3.  Guru Gobindsingh organized the………………
4.  Aurangzeb died at ………………
  1.   II.    Match the following:

                  A                                         B
1.  Nurjahan               policy of intolerance.
2.  Aurangzeb             Marwad.SSS
3.  Shan                       lover of poetry and music.
4.  Ajitsingh                basin of Brahmaputra.
  1. III.            Answer the following in 20-30 words each:

1.  How did Aurangzeb come in power?
2.  What are the contributions of Nurjahan?
  1. IV.            Give reasons in 25-30 words:

1.  Aurangzeb imprisoned Shahajahan.
2.  Guru Gobindsingh organized ‘Khalsa Dal’.
  1.  V.         Answer in 30-35 words:

1.  Short note on: Shahjahan.
2.  Aurangzeb’s policy of intolerance.………………………………….............................

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